novaPDF Version 7.x
novaPDF 7.7 released, fully compatible with Windows 8 (October 10th, 2012)
The main change in novaPDF 7.7 is the full compatibility with Windows 8, details about this release being mentioned on our blog: novaPDF 7.7 fully compatible with Windows 8.
This is the full list of changes in novaPDF 7.7:
- New: novaPDF is now fully compatible with Windows 8
- Update: Various optimizations for image conversions
- Fix: Corrections for Content field in email body configuration
- Fix: Fixed several memory leaks
- Fix: Corrections for Excel and Word addins
- Fix: Corrected overlay behavior when using the “Rotation” option
- Fix: Corrected conversion errors for documents with symbolic fonts
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 7.x.
If you own a version 7.x license you can download novaPDF 7.7 here: Download novaPDF 7.7.
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As always, we encourage feedback so if you want to share with us your opinion regarding this new release feel free to add your comment.
novaPDF 7.6 released, with Macros for watermarks (March 15th, 2012)
The main change in novaPDF 7.6 was the option to include Macros in Text watermarks, such as page number, date/time, author/subject/keywords. Another new feature is the possibility to print multiple copies of the same document (collating these or not) in a single PDF file.
This is the full list of changes in novaPDF 7.6:
- New: Added Macros for Text Watermarks (page number, date/time, doc/file/profile/user name, workstation, doc info)
- New: Multiple copies of the same page/document can now be converted to a single PDF file (with or without Collate)
- New: novaPDF can now be installed using parameters from a single setup configuration file (instead of using the parameters one by one)
- Update: After installation is successful, you have the option to open the website for tutorials, documentation and other resources
- Update: Optimized conversion when using Unicode fonts (i.e. documents in Tamil language are now accurately converted)
- Update: When using the Publisher Addin, the printing process is not cancelled even if the user does not have rights to set printer page size
- Fix: Corrected language selection depending on regional settings
- Fix: For silent installations, a novaPDF icon was briefly shown in taskbar, now it won’t show up anymore
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 7.x.
novaPDF 7.5, now with Publisher and Visio add-ons (December 21st, 2011)
The main change in novaPDF 7.5 was the addition of two more add-ins, for Microsoft Publisher and Visio. novaPDF Professional and Standard have add-ins for Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher and Visio. With the help of these add-ins it is easier to create PDF files from the supported Office applications.
This is the full list of changes in novaPDF 7.5:
- New: Add-in for Microsoft Publisher
- New: Add-in for Microsoft Visio
- Fix: Corrected bookmarks for the Microsoft Word add-in
- Fix: Corrected behavior for Microsoft Word add-in when used from Outlook 2003
- Fix: Conversion correction for overlay images
- Fix: Corrected problem when converting files with long name
- Fix: Minor corrections for PDF/A (CIDSets)
- Fix: Corrected conversion from Visio when backgrounds were used
- Fix: Fixed delete watermark message
- Fix: Corrected behavior when appending using the add-in for Office
- Fix: Corrected Terminal Services message for Desktop editions
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 7.x.
novaPDF 7.4, with Root Bookmark option (February 14th, 2011)
This is the full list of changes in novaPDF 7.4:
- New: The main change in novaPDF 7.4 was the addition of a Root Bookmark option in novaPDF Professional and novaPDF Standard.
- Fix: Multiple fixes for the conversion process
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 7.x.
novaPDF 7.3 now has an add-in for PowerPoint (December 1st, 2010)
novaPDF v7.3 is now available. You can download the new version here: Download novaPDF.
The main change in novaPDF 7.3 was the addition of a third add-in, for Microsoft PowerPoint. This means that now novaPDF Professional and Standard have add-ins for Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint (we’re working on including add-ins for all Office applications).
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 7.x.
novaPDF 7.2 adds new macros for file names (September 7th, 2010)
novaPDF v7.2 is now available. Version 7.2 introduces several new features, fixes and enhancements such as Extended Email functionality.
Here’s a list of what’s new and improved in novaPDF v7.1:
- New: Extended Email functionality
- New: Added macros for folder name in Save settings
- New: Added Profile name macro for file and folder names
- New: novaPDF SDK can use temporary printers
- Fix: Fixed images from Excel 2010
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 7.x.
novaPDF 7.1 released, with important features and fixes (April 12, 2010)
novaPDF v7.1 is now available. Version 7.1 introduces several new features, fixes and enhancements such as new Document Creator and Page Scaling options.
Here’s a list of what’s new and improved in novaPDF v7.1:
- Added visibility layers for watermarks
- Added Document Creator option
- Added Page Scaling options
- Added option to remove PDF after emailing
- Added Lithuanian language
- Several corrections (see Version History for each product)
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 7.x.
novaPDF 7.0 released, with digital signatures support (November 24th, 2009)
novaPDF 7.0 was released and introduces several new features, fixes and enhancements, such as the option to digitally sign PDF files (novaPDF Pro only).
Here’s a list of what’s new and improved in novaPDF v7:
- New: Added option to digitally sign PDF files (novaPDF Pro only)
- New: Type1 fonts are now supported
- New: novaPDF includes add-ins for Microsoft Office Word and Excel (novaPDF Pro and Std)
- New: Added a start page to allow quick access to create PDFs
- New: Fully compatible with Windows 7
This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 7.x.