novaPDF Version 2.x

novaPDF 2.5 released, with new image optimizations (January 9th, 2006)

novaPDF v 2.5 was released today and this new release introduces several fixes and enhancements, such as a new option to optimize image sequences in the printer driver.

Here’s a list of what’s new and improved in this version:

  • Added optimization of image sequences in Printer driver
  • Added NoInstallIfExists parameter to silent installer (in novaPDF SDK)
  • Other bug-fixes in printer driver and SDK

This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 2.x.

If you own a version 2.x license you can download novaPDF 2.5 here: Download novaPDF 2.5.

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novaPDF 2.4 was released, with new licensing options (December 7th, 2005)

novaPDF v 2.4 was released today and this new release introduces several fixes and enhancements, such as the option to modify the network licensing type and various SDK improvements.

Here’s a list of what’s new and improved in this version:

  • Added NetBIOS and DNS machine names for network licensing
  • Added support for OLE applications to novaPDF SDK
  • Added silent print option for novaPDF SDK
  • Other bug-fixes in printer driver and SDK

This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 2.x.

novaPDF 2.3 released, with new SDK samples (October 24th, 2005)

novaPDF v 2.3 was released today and this new release introduces several fixes and enhancements, such as new samples for the SDK and a new page mode viewer option.

Here’s a list of what’s new and improved in this version:

  • Added Access and VB.Net samples to novaPDF SDK
  • Added page mode viewer option
  • Added methods to set encrypted strings in INovaPdfOptions
  • Corrected Foxit Reader problem (rotate pages)
  • Other minor bug-fixes in Printer driver

This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 2.x.

novaPDF 2.2 was released, with demo SDK printer (October 16th, 2005)

novaPDF v 2.2 was released today and this new release introduces several fixes and enhancements, such as new samples for the SDK.

Here’s a list of what’s new and improved in this version:

  • Added a Demo printer driver for novaPDF SDK
  • Added VB samples to novaPDF SDK
  • Minor bug fixes in Printer driver
  • Modified documentation

This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 2.x.

novaPDF 2.1 was released, with enhanced options (September 13th, 2005)

novaPDF v 2.1 was released today and this new release introduces several fixes and enhancements, such as new option to set margins, enhanced zoom and save options plus other changes.

Here’s a list of what’s new and improved in this version:

  • Added possibility to set-up left, right, top and bottom paper margins independently.
  • Enhanced zoom option. You can modify paper origin now, center the page horizontally/vertically and align right/bottom.
  • Enhanced save options. If pdf file with same name exists, it can “Auto Number Existing” files.
  • Corrected scale handling and added extended zoom factor.
  • Corrected detection of file links.
  • Other error corrections.

This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 2.x.

novaPDF 2.0 released with network printing support (August 16th, 2005)

novaPDF v 2.0 was released today and this new release introduces several fixes and enhancements, such as shared network printing support and PDF links.

Here’s a list of what’s new and improved in this version:

  • Shared network printing support (novaPDF can be installed on one computer and used by any computer in the network through the “Sharing” option)
  • PDF links support (automatically recognizes visible links in a document and includes them in the generated PDF as clickable links – hidden links and internal links are not converted)
  • Speed optimizations
  • Minor bug fixes
  • Help file updated

This version update is free for all users that have an existing valid license of novaPDF 2.x.